Mallorca Trail Desert 2017

Competition Data

  • Date: 09/04/2017
  • TrailRunning
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 08:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 07/04/2017 21:00
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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Mallorca Trail Desert 2017

Competition Data


09 Abril de 2017

Inscriptions will be done through the platform on

Participants must be over 18 years of age.

  • The race will be celebrated on Sunday the 9th of April, starting on Cala Agulla Avenue at 8:00 pm and arriving at Puerto de Alcudia. Time limit 10 hours.
  • Start of the 1/2 Trail at 10:00 Poligon de la Mar, near Colina Sant Pere beach
  • Start of the Nordic Walking 12:00 pm Cervantes Street, near the Yacht Club, Can Picafort


Categories Desert and 1/2 Desert

  • Absolute masculine
  • Absolute feminine
  • Junior masculine and feminine between 18 and 20 years of age
  • Promises masculine and feminine between 21 and 23 years of age
  • Senior masculine and feminine between 24 and 39 years of age
  • Veterans masculine and feminine between 40 and 49 years of age
  • Master 50 masculine and feminine between 50 and 54 years of age
  • Master 55 masculine and feminine between 55 and 59 years of age
  • Master 60 masculine and feminine over 60

 Categories Nordic Walking, 10 km and 1/2 Desert

  • Absolute feminine and masculine
  • Senior- up to 39 years of age
  • Veterans - from 40 to 54 years of age
  • Master - 55 years and above

Prizes are not accumulative in any of the races

The first 3 in each category will be awarded

All participants will get a commemorative card of the race


All runners required have to render assistance to other participants in danger or injured.

Each competitor must take his waste or material to the finish line or specified locations by the organisation. Those runners who do not throw the waste away in a specified area will be disqualified. Gels and bars must be tagged with the bib's number.

All runners must fully complete the tour. Those who do not respect it or miss some of the specified control areas will be penalised or disqualified.

Participants must follow the instructions of the members of the control areas during the race.

Competitors must behave fairly at all times and be respectful towards other runners, judges and members of the organisation.

All participants must know and comply with the Competition Regulations, and accept the modifications that the Race Committee may make due to reasons outside the organisation's control, before and/or during the race.

A runner will only be able to withdraw from the race at a control area and hand over the bib. In case of withdrawal, the runner must inform the Organisation. The competitor takes on full responsibility from the moment of his volunteer withdrawal from the race or his disqualification.

For the safety of all participants, running with a pet is totally forbidden.

Sticks with rubber tips can exclusively be used by Nordic Walking participants

There will not be glasses at the provisioning areas, so runner must carry a water bottle.


  • Being helped at any point of the race.
  • Taking a shortcut during the race.
  • Not wearing a visible bib.
  • In case of withdrawal from the race, the failure to notify the closest control area or the organisation will bring the inability to participate in future editions of the race.


Causes for disqualification:

  • Not covering the complete tour.
  • Not rendering assistance to a participant, in case he requests it.
  • Not following the instructions given by the organisation or the security staff.
  • Not respecting the surroundings (throwing away waste, getting out of the way...)
  • Not stopping by at the control areas at the specified time.
  • Sticks must have rubber tips



The jury will be formed by the Director, the Timekeeper and the Responsible of the Control Areas. The deadline for claims will be one hour after the publication of the provisional classifications.


The race is a self-sufficiency race. That means that participants must be completely self-sufficient to complete the tour without any type of external aid. However, participants may use the provisioning areas set by the organisation and/or personal assistants only on the following control and provisioning areas:

  • Km 22,00 (Ermita de Betlem) liquid and solid. Access control at 2:22 pm.
  • Km 31,00 (Colonia Sant Pere) liquid and solid. Access control at 5:45 pm.
  • Km 42,80 (Can Picafort) liquid and solid. Access control at 7:56 pm.
  • Km 54,00 (Alcudia) liquid and solid. Access control at 10:00 pm.

Glasses will not be handed out at the provisioning areas. There will be a final provisioning area in Puerto Alcudia (finish line) Alcudia Garden Hotel.

There will be at least one mobile checkpoint outside the specified areas.


Inscriptions must be done on the payment platform following the participation rules described in the Regulations.

The inscription implies the acceptance of these regulations.

Athletes will participate under their own responsibility, so they will have to take care of their physical condition to do the race.

When enrolling, all participants verbally certify that they are in a good physical condition and do not have health problems that prevent them from doing the race.

When enrolling, all participants commit to the Declaration of good environmental practices of the organisation.

The organisation declines responsibility for lost objects, thefts or physical damages caused during the race.

The price of the inscription until the 9th of March 2017

  • 40 € for FEDME members + 5 € for no members

Start in Colonia de Sant Pere

  • 20 € members and Nordic Walking 25 € no members

Start in Can Picafort

  • Nordic Walking 10 € members, 15 € no members

From the 10th of March, price will be

  • 45 € for FEDME members + 5 € for no members

Start in Colonia de Sant Pere

  • 25 € members; 30 € no members

Start in Can Picafort

  • Nordic Walking 15 € members, 20 € no members

Size of the Finisher T-shirt guaranteed for inscriptions made before the 9th of March.


Participants must wear the bib provided by the organisation. The bib will be visible at all times and must be worn at the front during the race.

The bib will be checked before accessing the departure building. Access to the departure building will not be allowed without the bib, or when the bib is folded or trimmed. The tampering of the bib will imply disqualification. The bib must be kept until the final classification.


Mallorca Desert 2016 is a self-sufficiency race along the coast, mountain and beach organised by the Esportiu Garden Hotels Club.

It is a race approved by the Balearic Mountain Federation. It receives institution support from Capdepera, Arta, Santa Margarita, Muro and Alcudia city councils and is regulated by these Competition Regulations.

Aspects not covered in this text will be regulated by the current regulations of discipline of the Balearic Federation and the Spanish FEDME.

The competition is managed by the Race Committee.


Participants must fulfil the following requirements:

  • Being over 18
  • Having formalised the registration properly.

In order to participate in the race, runners must make a registration that will be closed as determined by the organisation. Inscriptions will be made in compliance with the Organisation, within the required timeframe.

The Organisation may require the following documents to participants for the delivery of the bibs:

  • National Identity Card: passport, DNI, driving license.
  • FEDME license (current year)

Those who do not fulfil these requirements may be prevented from participating in the race by the Organisation.

Participants must be in good physical, psychical and training condition for the race.

The inscription implies the acceptance of these Regulations.


This programme may suffer modifications.

Saturday 8th of April 2017.

  • 18:00-20:00 pm: Bib collection (Alcudia GARDEN Hotel)

Sunday 9th of April 2017.

  • 7:00 am (Cala Agulla) (Cala Agulla Avenue near Pasta Pasta restaurant): Bib collection. Delivery of personal equipment to be carried to the finish line. Control of the individual equipment required in these regulations.
  • Briefing.
  • 08:00 (Cala Agulla) (Cala Agulla Avenue: START)

Prizes will be given as categories are completed.

10. TOUR

The race includes a 54km distance with a total elevation of 1.901 metres + 952 m of positive elevation and -949 of negative incline. Start from Cala Agulla, at 20 metre high and arrival at Puerto de Alcudia at sea level.

The maximum time to cover the distance is of 10 hours.

Description of the tour: Start in Cala Agulla – Cala Mesquida – Cala Torta – Cala Mitjana – Cala Estreta – Arenalet d´Albarca – GR 222 – Parc Natural Llevant – Ermita de Betlem – Betlem – Colonia Sant Pere – Son Serra de Marina – Can Picafort – Playa de Muro – Port d´Alcudia.

The tour goes by the signalled route GR 222 from Arenalet to Can Picafort.

Walking on the seashore is forbidden, you must walk on the shore's opposite side.

Getting out of the way may imply disqualification.


The tour goes by the signalled route GR 222. Signs will indicate the proximity and final provisioning areas.


All participants are covered by the insurance of their federation card. No members will be offered a one-day insurance for the day of the race.

Ambulances and medical services will be available.

A 'Sweeper' Runner will keep the running speed to get to the finish line before 6:00 pm (limit of arrival), that is, 10 hours after the start of the race. The Sweeper Runner will be able to disqualify any participants who do not keep up with the established running speed. Disqualified participants will have to move off to the closest control area.

Runners outside of control will appear at the bottom of the range in the general classification, tagged as 'FC'.

Withdrawers must notify the control areas, where they will move off to be attended by the organisation. The organisation will have the means to assist the participants who request it.

Traffic will be stopped. Please respect the Circulation Code and circulate carefully at the road junction Ma 3331 7,5 km descent crossroads of Ermita de Betlen.

All the necessary security measures will be taken during the competition. The route has been designed with the minimum residual risks and ensuring the safety of the runners.

There will be a specialised team offering the necessary medical assistance to runners. The Local Police, Civil Protection, etc, will also be cooperating with the organisation.

The Organisation may require the withdrawal of a runner when he shows clear signs of exhaustion or any other signs that discourage finishing the competition.


The organisation may interrupt the race at any time whenever it poses a risk for the participants' physical integrity. Likewise, the race may be cancelled or modified for the same reasons, always for justified reasons.

In no case the amount of the inscription will be refunded to participants.


The organisation will offer a service of collection of individual material for its transport to the finish line.

In case the runners cannot finish the race, they may be taken to the finish area, depending on the decision of the organisation.

Final provisioning

Transport to Cala Agulla / Colonia Sant Pere start lines from Alcudia Garden Hotel.

Sign-up Comments

Servicio de Autobus:

  • Alcudia-cala agulla 06.00 horas precio 8eur
  • Alcudia-colonia sant pere 08.00 horas precio 7eur

Servicio de Hotel:

  • Precio habitación, en doble con desayuno dos personas 68.30eur
  • Precio habitación individual con desayuno 56.80eur
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