Trail Ibiza - 3 Dias 2018

Competition Data

  • Date: 01/12/2018
  • Cursa per Muntanya
  • Eivissa
  • Time: 06:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 28/11/2018 23:59
  • Organiza: Trideporte
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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Trail Ibiza - 3 Dias 2018

Competition Data


All information in

3 Days  TRAIL IBIZA(2018)

Prices 3 Days Trail Ibiza:

  •     3 Days trail with 2nd stage Ultra 95 eur
  •     3 Days trail with 2nd stage Marathon + 65eur
  •     3 Days trail with 2nd stage 1/2 Marathon + 50eur

Prices in stages:

  •     1st Stage Friday night 8eur
  •     2nd Stage Saturday 1 December Ultra 80eur
  •     2nd Stage Saturday 1st December Marathon + 50eur
  •     2nd Stage Saturday 1st December 1/2 Marathon + 30eur
  •     3rd Stage Sunday 8eur

    *TEAM REGISTRATION 150€ (the 3 runners). The first 8 teams registered are they'll wear a belt in every runner. Arch-Max valued at 24,50€ + Six-Pro cream

   **In addition, if you do not have a mountain federation licence, you must add the cost of compulsory insurance (5 eur per stage and 10 eur for the full 3 days).

The first 100 registered in the 3 days (combinations 10+87+10 or 10+47+10) or in the Ultra or combination Day 1 + day 2 - 87 kms or combination Day 2 - 87 kms or combination Day 2 - 87 kms + day 3 will have an Arch-Max HV-1.5 backpack valued at 45€ + Six-Pro cream The combination 10-27-10 is not considered finisher of the 3 days, nor will it have final general classification, nor the gift.


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Bus transfer:

  • + 7€ Autobus Hostal Tarba - Es Cubells start Maratón+
  • + 7€ Autobus Hostal Tarba - Sant Josep start 1/2 Maratón+
  • + 7€ Autobus Pista Can Mises - Hostal Tarba
  • On Sunday the runners will be taken free of charge from the Hostal Tarba to the start of the third stage.. 
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