Federacio de Ciclisme de les Illes Balears
Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.
Name | Year | Gender | Club | Category | |||||||
Team: Faster Wear Team [S. Chaves and A. Bachmann]
Team: Las Rampas [M. Mas and D. Paraiso]
Team: J. Rey and C. Ballester
Team: Rodadors Team [J. Fiol and J. Gonzalez]
Team: Infineathai-Reynés Team [A. Forteza and A. Figueroa]
Team: Es Magres [L. Lloré and B. Massanet]
Team: M&M [M. Barcelo and M. Grimalt]
Team: Cdb’S [T. Febrer and T. Clar]
Team: Sancho Team Master Class [M. Dominguez and J. Gaya]
Team: Dos Que No En Feim Un [B. Barcelo and R. Nicolau]
Team: Arabay Manacor [A. Barceló and A. Mascaró ]
Team: C.C. Ca S'Arrose (Estopa Team) [C. Muñoz and R. Muñoz]
Team: Mancor Btt Team [M. Gelabert and G. Abrines]