VI Cursa de Sa Sobrassada 2013

Registrations Made

VI Cursa de Sa Sobrassada 2013
  • Date: 23/11/2013
  • Running
  • Eivissa
  • City: Santa Gertrudis
  • Time: 17:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 22/11/2013 22:00
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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VI Cursa de Sa Sobrassada 2013

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Bar Magic Fullgas. [P. Martin, N. Vergara and P. Palau]
Team: Elitechachis [L. Baños, J. Camero and R. López]
Team: Los + Rapidos [N. Marin, H. Costa and O. Torres]
Team: Es Master Galls D'Espalmador [J. Escandell, A. Rey and J. Marí]
Team: Club Atletismo Hotel Pachá [A. Fernández, P. Alcala and T. Gautheron]
Team: Joquese!! [I. Roig, J. Alborch and A. Tur]
Team: Fisioeire Team Girls [P. García Fernández, S. Yeste and T. Suárez]
Team: Ncp [N. Cardona , J. Torres and M. Agudo]
Team: U-Run - Pequeñas Pero Peleonas [A. Mari, M. Serrano and G. Valladolid]
Team: El Hotel Pachá [V. Martínez, J. Gambacorta and A. Carretero]
Team: Hotel Pacha [V. Garrido, J. Carmona and E. De Las Heras ]
Team: Vaig Foooort! [V. Egea Viñas, I. Martínez and G. Egea]
Team: Base Sport Flow!!! [A. Flores, R. Nicolas and P. Pomar]
Team: Ample 32 [V. Pons Boosch, F. Casas and I. Barkute]
Team: Triatlon Sta Eularia Mix [D. Ojeda, A. Valencia and C. Ramón]
Team: 3er Tiempo Canya [J. Montesinos, P. Porto and O. Molina]

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category Route
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