IX Cursa de Sa Sobrassada 2016

Registrations Made

IX Cursa de Sa Sobrassada 2016
  • Date: 26/11/2016
  • Running
  • Eivissa
  • City: Santa Gertrudis
  • Time: 17:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 25/11/2016 23:00
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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IX Cursa de Sa Sobrassada 2016

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: G.D Presuntos Triatletas 3 [L. Ramos, I. Tur and R. Moreno]
Team: Sa Raval Power [C. Ferrer, M. Moreno and T. Llorens]
Team: Case 01 [R. Hernandez, C. Guiral and E. Villalba]
Team: G.D. Presuntas Sobrasadas Trialeras [J. Ferrer, S. Vico and J. González]
Team: Eiviatletisme Sant Llorenç [M. Serra, M. Tur and P. Juan]
Team: Quiño Corre No Mama [R. Domènech, C. Tur Ferrer and J. Torres]
Team: La Garita [S. Travieso, A. Yern and R. Segura]
Team: Urun [V. Marí, E. Roig and V. Perez]
Team: Sa Raval Team [A. Blanco, J. Morell and V. Tur]
Team: D. Lopera, I. Martin and J. Prados
Team: Case-007 [A. Carreño, T. Torres and F. Aguado]
Team: Rossistas Team [J. Hernández, A. Delgado Carmona and L. Freixas]
Team: P. Tur, B. Vela and B. Parrilla
Team: Ca Na Fufa Pedaleta [V. Sala, J. Torres and M. Del Campo]
Team: A Por Miguel And Co. [L. Planells Pereyra, J. Ribas and M. Roper]
Team: G.D. Presuntos Triatletas Senior [P. Mendieta, R. Rodriguez and V. Prats]
Team: Gimnasio Dojo Roig Pi 2 [M. Portugues, J. Marí Planells and D. Arustei]
Team: Hctri 1 [M. Gallego, J. Serra and J. Junco]
Team: Matauers [S. Planells, D. Torres and J. Colom]
Team: Gimnasio Dojo Roig Pi 3 [J. Roig, P. Roig and B. Roig]
Team: Els Pagessos Emprenyats [A. Ruzafa, M. Juan and J. Escandell]
Team: U-Run [M. Guerra, Ã. Caballo and V. Montanya]
Team: Los Tres [M. Guasch, M. Reyes and C. Gómez González]
Team: U-Run [R. Bufi , J. Costa and C. Torres]
Team: Hctri 2 [D. Casablanca , J. Monfort and S. Corral]

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category Route
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