Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2021

Registrations Made

Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2021
  • Date: 23/10/2021
  • Cursa per Muntanya
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Soller
  • City: Soller
  • Time: 06:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 01/07/2021 09:00
  • Limit: 12/10/2021 23:59
  • Fee:
    Price structure
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Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2021

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Trackis [L. Rayó, J. Chacon and M. Vilches]
Michelle Vilches Carrera 13 Km.
Joana Chacon Carrera 12 Km.
Laura Rayó Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Barruts Trail Team [T. Vilanova, C. Vives and B. Font]
Tolo Vilanova Carrera 13 Km.
Cristòfol Vives Carrera 12 Km.
Biel Font Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Iogurins Team [J. Frontera, J. Torres and A. Colomar]
Arnau Colomar Carrera 13 Km.
Joan Frontera Carrera 12 Km.
Jordi Torres Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Bodyandmind [J. Limon, J. Beltran and D. Crespo]
Juan Miguel Limon Carrera 13 Km.
Jose Manuel Beltran Carrera 12 Km.
Daniel Crespo Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Vamoairno [J. Fiol, P. Gil and A. Sans]
Joan Fiol Carrera 13 Km.
Pau Gil Carrera 12 Km.
Andreu Sans Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Negus 2.0 [G. Mateu, G. Suau and J. Dols]
Joan Dols Carrera 13 Km.
Gori Mateu Carrera 12 Km.
Gabriel Suau Carrera 22 Km.
Team: De Mataró Diuen [A. Vilaseca, J. Tarridas and X. De Sardi]
Xavier De Sardi Carrera 13 Km.
Jordi Tarridas Carrera 12 Km.
Albert Vilaseca Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Powergirls [H. Bellini, M. Tornila and M. Ferrer]
Helena Bellini Carrera 13 Km.
Maria Del Mar Tornila Carrera 12 Km.
Malén Ferrer Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Cims Blauets [M. Gil, M. Florit and R. Da Rosa ]
Rocio Da Rosa Carrera 13 Km.
Miguel Ángel Gil Carrera 12 Km.
Marta Florit Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Es Puntals [J. Martorell, A. Aivar and J. Larea]
Joan Larea Carrera 13 Km.
José Martorell Carrera 12 Km.
Aina Aivar Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Body& Mind Return [V. Diaz, C. Rodríguez and A. Martinez]
Victor Diaz Carrera 13 Km.
Carlos Rodríguez Carrera 12 Km.
Aitor Martinez Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Beerunners [A. Santa Cruz, L. Mas and G. Sánchez]
Antonio Santa Cruz Carrera 13 Km.
Lorenzo Mas Carrera 12 Km.
Garbiñe Sánchez Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Pwrdbypr [M. Caimari Sastre, A. Garcia and A. Barcelo]
Alvaro Garcia Carrera 13 Km.
Miguel Caimari Sastre Carrera 12 Km.
Antonio Juan Barcelo Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Tiramilles 5000 [M. Marques, M. Garces and J. Ferrer]
Mateu Marques Carrera 13 Km.
Miguel Angel Garces Carrera 12 Km.
Joan Ferrer Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Yes We Run [P. Beltran, T. Cladera and J. Miralles]
Pau Beltran Carrera 13 Km.
Toni Cladera Carrera 12 Km.
Joan Miquel Miralles Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Indiarun [S. Roig, L. Simon and C. Torres ]
Claudia Torres Carrera 13 Km.
Sasha Roig Carrera 12 Km.
Laura Simon Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Quin Ubiti [N. Brunet, A. Bujosa and V. Serralta]
Núria Brunet Carrera 13 Km.
Aina Bujosa Carrera 12 Km.
Vicenç Serralta Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Maromo Team [D. Sánchez, G. Sánchez and M. Botezatu ]
Mariana Botezatu Carrera 13 Km.
Diego Sánchez Carrera 12 Km.
Genny Sánchez Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Almorunners [A. Sánchez, A. Collados and U. Valdes]
Antonio Collados Carrera 13 Km.
Antonio Sánchez Carrera 12 Km.
Unai Valdes Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Deromi Cruzados [D. Lackova, M. Las and R. Espinosa]
Denisa Lackova Carrera 13 Km.
Miguel Angel Las Carrera 12 Km.
Roberto Espinosa Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Rayos Y Centella +Qtrail [E. Santos, A. Calderón and F. Calderon ]
Andrés Calderón Carrera 13 Km.
Eduardo Santos Carrera 12 Km.
Fernando Calderon Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Salas-Valls-Alomar [D. Salas, B. Valls and O. Alomar]
David Salas Carrera 13 Km.
Bernat Valls Carrera 12 Km.
Onofre Alomar Carrera 22 Km.
Team: RACO TEAM [J. Mayol, G. Marce and M. Marce]
Joan Toni Mayol Carrera 13 Km.
Gerard Marce Carrera 12 Km.
Marc Arnau Marce Carrera 22 Km.
Team: J. Guirado, M. Sosa and R. Salamanca
Jorge Guirado Carrera 13 Km.
Manuel Sosa Carrera 12 Km.
Rafel Salamanca Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Girls Power [P. Alba, C. Payeras and L. Mir]
Llorenç Mir Carrera 13 Km.
Paula Alba Carrera 12 Km.
Catalina Payeras Carrera 22 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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